• Added a few bug fixes that could cause the settings file to become corrupted
• Final released version for 1.5
Changes from 1.5fc1 to 1.5fc2 -- June 1, 1995
• Fixed bug that might have caused the settings file to be corrupted if it was created on a PowerMac and then used on a 68K mac and vice-versa.
• Changed error reporting a little bit. MapServe doesn't send the complete path (hard drive name and all that) to the client when it can't open a Map file. It only sends back as much as the client sent to it. It does however still report the full path name that it was trying to open in the MapServe window. Also made error reporting in the MapServe window briefer and easier to read.
Changes from 1.5b4 to 1.5fc1 -- May 29, 1995
• Added support for folder aliases in the map file path.
• Updated the documentation to include the features in version 1.5
• This version has all the features that are planned for version 1.5. It should be pretty close to a final release.
Changes from 1.5b3 to 1.5b4 -- May 20, 1995
• Fixed bug added in 1.5b3 that caused the user set server name function not to work properly.
• Added new functionality for the paths in the .map files. The URL part can now contain references to files in directories higher up in the hierarchy through the normal parent directory notation "../". For example, if you have a .map file on your server with the URL "http://www.yourserver.com/folder1/folder2/something.map", and you want to reference a file in folder1, you can use "../file.html" in the .map file.
• Changed handling of default location when no default is specified in the .map file.
If no default is specified, and a refering URL is available (so far, I think Netscape is the only one that sends the refering location), then MapServe sends the client to the refering page. It still sends the client to the root of the server if no default is specified and no refering location is specified.
Changes from 1.5b2 to 1.5b3 -- May 8, 1995
• Fixed many bugs, mainly in the saving and loading of preferences.
Note: the settings are only saved when you quit, so you might want to quit once and start it back up to make sure the settings work.
• Added message that tells you that you have to redo the preferences if they are old.
• MapServe now remembers the position of it's window between restarts.
Changes from 1.5b1 to 1.5b2 -- May 6, 1995
• Fixed a couple of bugs that caused MapServe to not be able to find the map file it was called with when used in the older pre-WebSTAR-action fashion.
• Added ability to use the Standard File dialog to set the path to MacHTTP/WebSTAR.
This is stored as an alias so that if you move or change the name of the folder, MapServe should still be able to find it (you have to quit and start it back up for it to do this).
• Added Hide Window in Background option.
• Added more error reporting for debugging purposes during preference operations. There are still some bugs here that shouldn't be fatal, but you might have to quit and restart MapServe to change some of the preferences, or you might have to trash the MapServe settings file to fix the problems.
Changes from 1.5a4 to 1.5b1
• Most of the stuff in the Preferences Dialog works. Stuff that doesn't yet is greyed out.
• The Set Path button simply trys to read the config file from the previous Alpha versions. You can just type the path to the MacHTTP folder in the box if you want. Make sure that the path is only for the folder in which MacHTTP resides, and doesn't end in a colon.
• Fixed bug that caused crashes on PowerMacs when drawing the About box or Preferences Box.
• Added option to allow you to set the server's default name. This is so that if you have DNS turned off on MacHTTP, MapServe can build a URL using a Domain Name instead of the IP address that MacHTTP sends to it.
Changes from 1.5a3 to 1.5a4
• Changed About box so that it is a Movable Modal dialog, which also allows events to be processed while it is open.
• Added Preferences dialog box. Most of the stuff doesn't work yet.
Changes from 1.5a2 to 1.5a3
• Relative paths from within the .map files. This only works with MacHTTP 3.0b2 right now. It will work with 2.0 in the next release. If the files that a map links to are in the same folder or nearby, you can link to them by simply putting the name of the file, or the path to the file starting at the folder the map is in.
MapServe decides what type of URL is contained in the .map file in the following manner:
• If the URL has a ':' in it anywhere, MapServe sends that entire URL and nothing else.
This would be the case of "http://blah:80/" etc. Basically, if it has a colon in it, it's
a full URL.
• If the URL in the .map file starts with a '/', MapServe builds the URL from the root
of your server. For example, "/folder/file.html" would be added onto
"http://yourserver:port" and sent to the client.
• Otherwise, it builds the URL starting at the location of the .map file.
• Fixed a bug that caused MapServe to send the client a URL containing garbage if no default location or point locations were specified. Now it sends the client to the root directory of your server (http://yourserver/)
• Changed the format for the path to the MacHTTP folder in the mapserve.config file. It can now contain spaces, but the end must be delimited by and ending colon. Also, the keyword has been made a little more descriptive. This line should now read something like:
HTTP_PATH my hard drive:a folder:machttp folder:
• Added message stating what mode, 68K or PowerPC, MapServe is running in.
Changes from 1.5a1 to 1.5a2
• Changed returned URL's so that if server is running on Port 80, the URL doesn't contain the port number. This was causing some people to have to re-login to
protected folders.
Changes from 1.0 to 1.5a1
• Local paths for map files!! Your .map file may now reside in the same folder as the graphic it goes with, or anywhere else on your hard drive.
• Support for a user defined action to launch MapServe from MacHTTP 3.0
This makes it much easier to reference your .map file. Instead of having to type out the URL to the MapServe.cgi application, then $, then the path to the .map file, you can now define an action and suffix that will automatically call MapServe and give it the path to the .map file.
To do this, use the MacHTTP 3.0 Admin application to define an action. Choose Actions... from the Configure menu after opening a monitor for MacHTTP 3.0. Type "MAP" for the action name, and put the path to MapServe.cgi in the application box. For example, if you install the default folder that comes with this archive at the root of your MacHTTP folder, simply put ":mapserve1.5:mapserve.cgi" in the application box. Choose Add, then hit the update button.
Now you need to make a suffix mapping. To do this, choose Suffix Mapping... on the Configure menu. Click on the pop-up menu and choose "MAP". Now put ".MAP" in the File Suffix box, "TEXT" for the File Type, "*" for the Creator, and "text/html" for the Mime Type.
Also, in this Alpha release version, you will have to type in the path to your MacHTTP folder in the MapServe.config file which should reside in the same folder as MapServe.
This will be in the form of:
HTTP my_hard_drive:a_folder:machttp_folder
Notice that you can't have any spaces in that path, which means that you can't have any spaces anywhere from your hard drive name down to your MacHTTP folder. This will hopefully be fixed soon, but I wanted to get the other code working first. Eventually, you will just have to go find your MacHTTP application using the standard file dialogs when you first install MapServe.
Now when you want to access a map, you can use the following type of URL: